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Thursday, May 14, 2009


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I hope you’re not like me and have a tendency to skip or scroll this article to read the top events, but I urge you to take the time to read this article from top to bottom because it will power up your motivation with a new mind set.A Career in ‘any field’ can cover a lot of ground. It can range from a general salesperson to a highly astute businessman, who have multi-million deals in his pocket.Did you ever think that why some people are so rich and successful, and why some are poor and settle for much less in life ?What is it, that causes such a tremendous difference between a successful and unsuccessful persons ? What is the secret of a successful person who literally earns millions of money for him ? I strongly believe that the combination of mental attitude, work habits, and professionalism are the three necessary qualities which makes a man successful in life.I again suggest you to read this blog in its entirety, and then on a weekly basis, read once on a Sunday night and consciously apply its lesson to your personal carrier, Monday through Friday.I Suggest you to read it, digest it, practice it and then execute it.Firstly , you must remember one thing:-

‘Success is a demanding mistress, she is jealous! Her favor comes only at a high price , and you must be willing to pay it ! if you want success, it must be earned.’

Now before I go into the depth of this article , check yourself that:-

Is your desire is sincere!

Do you have enough ambition!

Did you have Self- Discipline!

If you have all these great qualities then , definitely a bright carrier is waiting for you. You just have to follow some special ingredients to make your life fruitful & tasty. There is one single element which should be included in all ‘ formula for Success’ it should , without a doubt, a proper mental attitude. And there are also certain ingredients that makes a winner . no matter what field you’re competing in .The two most basic ingredients are ‘Hard work’ and ‘Knowledge’.

Iam not going to dwell your attention on the subject “Hard work” because hard work is a habit that only you can develop for yourself.Assuming that you either have this habit or you’re successfully developing it. Iam however offer some help on the subject of “ Knowledge”.You must realize that Knowledge is the most important part of a successful carrier. For example, a man doesn’t become a doctor merely by wanting one and working hard at it. He must learn science of medicine through years of practicing as an intern and resident.

Everyone must know where he wants to go , and everyone must think long and hard about what he has to do to get there. In other words , everyone needs a goal to Shoot at – a ‘pot of gold’ at the end of the rainbow. This provide the incentive , the challenge, the direction, the fuel to motivate us in our quest to success. So get your sight high, but be realistic. If you are sincere in your desire to be success, then work intelligently, and delight towards your goal. The decision is your to make.


This is the common denominator among all successful men. The power of positive thinking and success are synonymous. If you look at yourself and think that you are honorable, conscientious, determined, courageous, capable, and self disciplined , then you have a positive power.You have faith that you can do any job well. Without this faith, and belief in yourself and your ability you cannot make and carryout important decisions. In studying the life of successful peoples, you will see that they have a certain swagger, a certain aura of confidences, a sense of adventure and a strong sense of pride. They are people of action. They think positively and act positively. In other words they have a positive image of themselves and this is the self image that they project to everyone around them.


your mental picture , too, is carried around with you wherever you go. It determines the kind of person you actually are. You may have many special talents and capabilities, but if you allow your self image to falter, then your gifts may waste away unused. You will begin ‘spinning your wheels’ and your fear of failure will practically insure failure. The result is an inner battle that you wage against your fears and self- doubts; and the battle saps your energy. It drains your vitality. And the more fight with yourself in this way, the more you see yourself as your own worst enemy.What can you do to avoid getting into such war with yourself?The answer is : think positively! Believe in yourself. Believe in your chance for succeeding. Don’t waste your energy or your time contemplating failure.


There are certain physical and emotional traits that the an individual with the poor mental attitude usually possesses. His lack of enthusiasm will generally cause him to drag his feet, and he will not look you squarely in the eye. His lack of confidence gives him the appearance if a ‘beaten man’ . if you close your eyes for a minute and think of an unsuccessful person that you know, these physical appearance will become obvious.The negative mental attitude also usually causes him to be irritable, on edge, easy depressed and tried. He frets a great deal and feels the things are stacked against him. He complains that his territory is unproductive, his sale leads are poor, and his product is not priced competively. He feels that his boss has a grudge against him., his company is not giving him proper backing, he is unlucky, he gets all the bad breaks- and on and on.If this same men were to believe in himself and have faith in his abilities, he would have a new self image and would see things in an entirely different light. With such positive forces pulling for him, he could then turn out to be an excellent individual personality. His energy would pick up, and his confidence would motivate him to attain heights and never believed possible.


Real or imaginary, fear is insidious. It strips you of your motivation, it drains your courage, it stops you cold. The person who lacks faith in his ability, his product or company hasn’t a chance for success from the very beginning. He will have a very difficult time fitting into any business enterprise.When a person analyzes his fears and evaluates them intelligently, they usually evaporate- and he can then complete the task in hand. It is possible, of course, the lack of training and lack of knowledge could rob the person of his confidence. Poor training can cause anyone to be disorganized and to waste time and energy. Not keeping up to date on latest methods and developments in his field can make anyone loose confidence in himself and his firm. The simple answer to this problem is to get the necessary knowledge. Dig a little harder. Study. Do research. Obviously, you cant do everything. But if you accept ‘no’ too easily, you are not apt to do anything. You must have the ability to go from one ‘no’ to the next ‘no’ without loosing your enthusiasm. Never allow a ‘no’ to carry the next task . clear your mind after each unsuccessful task. Set up a meditation room in your mind to restore your enthusiasm. Make the necessary mental and emotional adjustments so that you will be in high gear for your next task. Try practicing this mental exercise for the next month r two, every time you have any doubt or fear. By practicing this exercise , you will gradually develop an ability to pick yourself up when you need it. You will be amazed what it will do for your spirits and for your production quota. This mental interlude will relax you and help you unwind.


Physiological studies reveal that the chief cause of failure is the expectancy of failure. When you expect to fail and believe that you are going to fail, you will not disappoint you. By doubting, you develop a fear of attempting . millions of individual have lost chance at great achievements simply because they don’t attempt when they could have accomplished. We respond to the demands that we make upon ourselves, and if we fails to be demanding upon ourselves, and if we fails to be demanding upon ourselves, we have no motivation to achieve. Make demand upon yourself! Set your Sights and goals high, and then believe that you can accomplish them.

Hope that this article helps someone to boost up his moral and give him a way to be a successful person in life. If you would like/unlike this blog, please let me know your comments or suggestions to improve this blog.

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