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Friday, May 22, 2009


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This is totally a new type of scamming technique, used by the scammers, targeted the Publishers from entire world.


In this system, you will receive an fake email ,representing clearing house , telling you that y’ve won $1 million from Publishers Clearing House confirming second place winner of a drawing sponsored by Reader’s Digest Magazine .Scam letter is fabricated in official way ,which does have professional look and hard to suspect ,includes check for up to $5,900 . The letter issues directives to call Publishers Clearing House representative for prize claims .In order to receive the won prize , consumer is asked to cash the check and send $4,000 to Publishers Clearing House to receive the rest of the winnings.

This is just a new and better way to scam the publishers… nothing else..Infact it is all scam tactics to win the confidence of consumer ,check is fraud and any money sent to this fraudsters can’t be recovered.Sometimes checks are so neatly presented , even banks are not able detect them initially.Apart from common publisher’s , Business owners can be the worst targets of these scammers as crime artists can steal the legal checks from business owners and clone them with fraudulent letters respect to name and address.Better business bureau have cautioned all the business owners and citizens about letters attach with phony checks and sometimes scam artists can even use phones calls ,representing Publishers Clearing House to target the people.


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