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Friday, May 15, 2009


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Today, iam going to dwel your attention about the powerful tools and utilities which are used by the scammers to rob the globe.I have discuss the origin and reality of the scammers already at my previous post, this is the extention and here you will find the most important thing that is ' SCAMMING TOOLS'.

Well, you are probably one of the lucky ones who haven't received any contact from them yet but you must aware and alert because the scammers are working hard to reach you as soon as possible. mind it. The scammers will bound you to trust them because they will represent themself like a genuine and sustainable company. theywill give you their phone numbers, contact details, fax and governing authority contacts, bank authority details, inviting you toclaim the winning prizes from the company directly, etc.. thats all looks like a geniune programme and you are going to trust them for sure.but after some time you will realize that all the things are happening wrong for you. you have to pay & pay to them untill youare running out of money.
anyway, let's come to the point now.


The telephone numbers are playing a vital role for scammers because this is the primary thing, which a victim certainly asked for.Let me tell you that the telephone numbers which are generally provided by the scammers are just a cellular phones and notthe official landline or fixed line phone.But if you closed your eyes and picthurized about a genuine firm or office, you will see that there must be a permenant fixed line telephone.Sometimes, the scammers will provide a landline of fixed numbers also but the truth is something else. there are lots of free telephone services available online i.e. flextel.. etc. The scammer registered freely with these free telephonic service and easily divert the calls to their personal cellphone or local landline numbers so that you will communicatethem easily.(more details on my forthcomming posts).



The fax numbers, provided by the scammers are also a fake or, just a free utilities of, etc..It's free to sign up, and free to receive faxes, though sending a fax is paid. Scammers willget their own unique fax number by registering these free services and when the scammer faxes you it arrives in your mailbox as a email attachment.To view the attachment you will have to install a small program (provided free by Efax). Double-click on the attachment to view the fax.but generally the scammer never fax you. its you who will fax to the scammers and afford the fax bills.Please do not fax them just for your confirmation. This is totally a big BULLCRAP..nothin else.


The contact details provided by the scammers are absolutely fake. as i discussed in my previous post, each an every scammer,consists more then 30 cellphones and Each cell phone has a different name taped on the back. . Actually, two names are written there. One is the name of a scam victim, the other is the name of the character the scammer is playing.Each criminal in the command cell knows which one of them is corresponding with that particular victim, and knows what part to play. One single criminal in a Command room can be using as many as 30 different false names and titles.therefore be smart. Next time, if a scammer arrived at your mailbox with a unique name and contact number, ask him to provide his another names and cellphone numbers! he will definately get annoyed and never contact you back, but probably he will arrived againat your mailbox with another story and with another authorised signatory name and telephone numbers.This is my personal & funny experience with scammers as i love scambaiting sports.But if you want to play this game, play at your own risk.


Sometimes the scammers personally invites the victim to collect their winning prizes from their head office. This is certainlya psychological approach as they know about victims territory, victims finincial details, victims disability,etc.. and they know that the victim never come personally to claim the winning prizes from head office abroad. if your not going to claim your winning prizes personally,They will charged you some extra hidden fees, so that the transfer of winning prizes will immediately processed.But, if you planed to go there to collect the winning prizes personally , then you are in trouble.You can be physically injured and even killed by fraud criminals. They are very dangerous people. So far, physical injury, kidnapping, and murder have only occurred in West Africa and South Africa. Some people who travel to South Africa to take possession of their [false] winnings have terrible things happen to them. People who travel to West Africa (Nigeria and neighboring countries) have also been beaten, kidnapped, or murdered.

These are the few techniques which are used by scammers to scam people. However,there are lots of ways adapted by scammers, but i mentioned few of themin today's article . so,keep reading me for more updates.

This is my fourth post and iam sure readers will like my next article, i will articulate about how to identify secure websites. if you like/dislike this article Please leave a comment, as it worth's for me.


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