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A simple and kind suggestion to my visitors

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Friday, May 22, 2009



More Details of the scammers and fake websites are available here.
This is one of the scam email processor which will pay you to read or pays you for processing i.e. forwarding the emails.This is a twist on the classic "envelope stuffing scam" . For a low price ($25?) you can become a "highly-paid" email processor working "from the comfort of your own home."
Now... what do you suppose an email processor does? If you have visions of forwarding or editing emails, forget it. What you get for your money are instructions on spamming the same ad you responded to in newsgroups and Web forums! Think about it -- they offer to pay you $50 per email processed -- would any legitimate company pay that? It’s a perfect piece of spamming…. Nothing else!!
NOTE :- A PTC/PTR can be considered as a low risk program because it is not required to invest. But if you are not careful you can lose, of course, lots of money.For getting started with PTC, you have to take a lots of care about your Personal & finincial Sensitive information in this field. you may easily get scammed.Please do not provide your Credit card/ account details for getting scammed and beware ,not to click any unauthorized links provided by the PTC websites to your mail box,Spoof/Phising pages camouflage their real address.
The most important' SUSTAINABILITY'.
In PTC terms, when a site is sustainable, that means this program can live and pay even and for years. While unsustainable programs will pay in a short termonly, from a few days to a few months.Grossly unsustainable sites are scams.Sites paying astronomical amounts (example: $100 per click), even if are charging more, are scams too: "If this were real, nobody would have a day job and 90% of the world's population would read emails for a living. Which does not happen!" Very sustainable sites will pay you less than $0.0025 per click. Sites paying more than $0.005 per std click with more than 50% ref bonus are very unsustainable no matter what the advertising rates are or who the owner is. Such sites usually will survive for less than six to nine months, or will turn to schemes (very long payment delays, cash out limitations, ref limitations, bans without reason etc).A $1 per click (for example) PTC sounds very tempting. But it is not something more than a big scam. If you don't believe it, find a program like this, registerbut DON'T invest and after a few days/weeks you'll realize the truth.
I think we have to change the mind set of typical self help system applied by the scammers and fraudsters like'you need me because something is lacking in your life, i have exactly you lack and if you pay me and make me even richer and you poorer, i'll show you how you can have it too.This is the exact mindset of scammers and i think it must be changed.
If you are a scammer or a fraudster, please leave this business and return to mankind. Stop working like an idiot, don't express yourself like a disgrace to humanity. There are lots of other scam and fake website exists, and yet to reveal their original face. keep reading for daily updates.
Please leave a comment or you can direct mail me at for any further scam updates. Pass this link to your friends & relatives and let's make a better and secure world
wide web....


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