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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

CHARLES KELECHI EMETO - The fake bank-Designer.

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Charles Emeto is an nigerian citizen, born in 04 Jun 1979, and a Student of Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria.According to him, he is one of a model to be followed by nothing less than the Nigerian youth as such. He considers himself an example of the righteous man with great dreams, a deeply devoted Pentecostal Christian with a mission to make the world a better place. His being an enthusiastic Nigerian nationalist and also his unconditional belief in his unprecedenced morality make his messianistic self-perception complete.

But in his real life, there is another story telling his truth. He is a pathetic liar, and what's even worse, he is deeply involved into one of today's top internet criminality, the infamous "Advance Fee Fraud", also known as "Nigerian Fraud" or "419 fraud". Charles uses his limited computer knowledge and embarrassingly underdeveloped artistic abilities for designing, hosting and maintaining websites of fake online banks and "security companies", that is, of fraudulent sites that play a significant role in the above type of scams. He wants to be a millioniare by the time of 30, and he is working hard to achieve that, So that he will be a history maker and a world shaker.

Charles is a perfect scam & Fake website designer and most of the fake bank websites, referred by the scammers are the output of CHARLES EMETO.
His plan to be a millionaire soon obviously included the deception and ripping off innocent victims, stealing their money, pushing them into need, poverty and desperation. How exactly this plan can be justified by Charles Emeto who claims that his "life has been devoted to making people realize their dreams", or, with his own words "i know that may be in future the world will also learn from it" . how funny..

keep reading..


Anonymous,  20 May 2009 at 10:13 pm  

great effort digg..

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