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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Something about Fake Online Pharmacies

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Something about Fake Online Pharmacies:-

Today, I’m going to discuss about a unique technique of scam that is – ONLINE FARMACY.

Online Pharmacy is the mixture of PHISHING and ADVANCE FEE FRAUD, where the most costly and rare drugs like Viagra, Prozac, etc. and health supplements are available at a low cost, assuring 100 percent cure guarantee without the consultation of any medical practitioner. Scammers using the internet and spam email to offer drugs and health supplements at a low cost, are categorized in the ‘Fake online Pharmacy’ list of scams.

These spam emails are often used to steal your credit card numbers and bank details apart from downloading spyware and key-loggers onto your system. The chances of an individual actually getting the medicines which he/she had ordered are substantial, but this comes with a price. Such fake medicines may eventually do more harm to your body rather than curing any of the ailment for which it was meant.If at all one has to order medicines online, legitimate online pharmacy sites are also available. Such site require a valid prescription to be forwarded before any medicine is actually delivered.The below mentioned points will definitely help you in recognizing that the email is from a fake online pharmacy:Products offered in the spam email has noting to do with the subject line.Spelling and grammatical mistakes are present in the matter.This fake online pharmacy store will not be having a telephone number or office address.Protecting oneself from such fake online pharmacies is a simple process, mentioned below:Self medication or even ordering prescription medicines online is a risk which not only involves money but health also-staying away from such practices is the best remedy.Do not open spam email or unsolicited mails.Never calling any of the telephone numbers mentioned in the email.Do not provide your credit card or bank details to any such spam email.

keep reading..


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